Do I need a permit? 

You very well may! Many cities have their own unique procedures regarding tree removal or trimming projects. This also would apply to an HOA or any similar organization you are a part of based on your residence location.

As it would be very time consuming and challenging to verify and consolidate permits for every potential individual’s project, we encourage the client to look into their own city ordinances or contact their HOAs prior to the estimate in order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of our conversations and advisements!

How much will it cost? 

$1,000,000!! Okay, maybe not that much...Tree work has such a broad spectrum of services and circumstances in which they are applied, that a generic pricing structure would fall short of accuracy far too often. This is why we provide free estimates or consultations prior to work completion. During these appointments, our clients can have a conversation in person with one of our service advisors that gives the opportunity for them to view your property, understand all of your needs and desires, discuss all potential obstacles or challenges, and potential solutions, and then establish a plan customized to each person and situation. This enables us to maximize efficiency on your behalf while ensuring complete satisfaction with the end result.

What will our property look like when the work is done?

Immaculate! We pay attention to the details. Our team works hard to protect your property from unnecessary damages in the first place. If we feel there’s a chance that our equipment or plan will cause unwarranted damage to grass, driveways, surrounding plants, etc. we will course correct and find a better way. We just believe that your property should look better after we leave than when we arrive. Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself!

What is an arborist and why should I hire one?

An ISA Certified Arborist is an individual who has been engaged in some form of arboriculture for a certain amount of time and/or has certain other industry-related credentials that meet enough criteria for them to take an examination through the International Society of Arboriculture. If they are able to pass the examination, they become certified indicating that they have a certain level of knowledge in a broad area of tree-related topics. Becoming certified requires knowledge in:

  • Tree Biology
  • Tree Identification and Selection
  • Soil Management
  • Installation and Establishment
  • Pruning
  • Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Trees and Construction
  • Tree Risk
  • Safe Work Practices
  • Urban Forestry

WOW! Truly, this is just the beginning of most arborists’ formal education but it is pivotal for two reasons. First, it shows that the individual is vested in the best solutions possible and therefore is less prone to offer services based on what’s profitable to them or the company.

This is exactly why you should hire a certified arborist for any and all work in this hazardous and complicated industry. A certified arborist is further invested in training and education regarding safety and best working practices than the average tree person. So not only are you going to receive higher quality solutions of integrity from our company, but you’ll receive unparalleled quality. Hiring a certified arborist can also save you money at times because they are more likely to give an accurate diagnosis and offer viable alternative solutions. For example, costly tree removal is often suggested by multiple companies when in reality that is driven by a lack of knowledge or a pursuit of what is profitable based on their equipment. Tree preservation is critical to the well-being of individuals, the community, and our planet and we are thrilled to offer solutions outside of tree removal when the client wishes to explore them. Our ISA Certified Arborists want you to find the best possible solution for your needs and desires and care about the well-being of the plant and community as well.

How do I choose a professional tree care company?

Clearly, you pick us! Oh, if only it were that simple.

‍Firstly, you should ensure that the company carries at least a 2 million general liability umbrella policy that is specific to our industry, a commercial automotive policy, a worker's compensation policy, and is licensed with LARA in the state of Michigan.

‍Secondly, I would encourage you to find a company where a certified arborist is involved in the entire project process. If you read the FAQ above, there’s a more in-depth description as to why we feel this is so important.

Third, picking a company that practices the values it preaches. While it is great to pick a company that has the legal requirements checked off the box, please consider that not all companies operate the same. Consider the company you are supporting and what that entails. Think of it this way, isn’t every dollar you spend voting essentially? Whether you are buying a service or product, you are always voting with where your money is spent. For example, our company invests in regular safety and educational training for the entire team, we invest in excellent equipment that keeps our team safe, increases our efficiency on your behalf, and helps us represent you well while working at your residence, we believe in donating back to the community, we believe in providing wages and benefits that will give people real livable wages and opportunity, and we do everything legally and with integrity.

Ultimately, when you choose a company, please remember that you are helping either move the industry ahead or keep it the same. For example, there are many companies, well-intentioned or not, that do not apply many of the OSHA and ANSI Standards such as PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and by supporting these companies, you are voting that it’s acceptable for people to have a workplace that is unsafe. It ultimately is a decision to find a company that has the legal credentials to perform the work as a legitimate business, has the training and educational credentials to offer the best expertise, has the experience, equipment, and ability to perform the work safely and efficiently, and standing behind a company that makes the world better one small decision at a time.

Payment Options

We encourage cash and check as it avoids any processing fees.

However, we gladly accept debit and credit cards, checks, PayPal, Venmo, and Apple Pay.

Also, due to the cost associated with some tree care projects, we have financing available and will gladly walk you through this process.

All electronic payments do incur a 3% processing charge.